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11.24.52 Platform Release

Released May 29, 2024

Migration notifications

  • If your user defined libraries (UDLs) use the following import classes, you need to update them with the replacement classes instead:



    • (final String transactionId, final String username, final Duration timeout)


  • You must change source data model (SDM) attributes whose names differ only in case, or else data orchestration will fail.

New features and enhancements

  • We are excited to announce the launch of two new dashboards, the Remediation owner dashboard and Risk owner dashboard. These dashboards offer a comprehensive overview of all assets, findings, requests, and tickets, tailored specifically for remediation owners and risk owners, respectively.

  • You can now re-organize columns in a List view and maintain these changes between logins.

  • We have added a Data Exporter role, which allows administrators to enable data export by applying this role or remove it by omitting this role to users.

  • Renamed several attributes so that they are unique in the List view filters. This lets you make more informed choices when you filter List views.

  • Columns added by users are now sortable on List views. This lets you create more meaningful views on list pages.

  • Added detection for duplicate case-insensitive attribute names and provide error information.

  • Added BQL operators support for limited users, which allows more granular searches to limited users.

  • Improved the exporting of Parquet files to export all leaf nodes of the Data Model tree, which should improve performance.

  • Added a flow for identifying dataset to data model type mismatches, which will allow better diagnosis and more prompt resolution of data errors.

Addressed issues

  • Fixed the issue where charts in reports would change upon entering the Edit mode.

  • Fixed a ‘NOT IN' BQL operator issue for SLA Definitions in which the data that should be omitted by the ‘NOT IN’ clause was still included.

  • Fixed an issue where Exception Requests were not processed.

  • Fixed the issue where the Bar-chart-to-lis-view drill-down generated an incorrect List view BQL.

  • Fixed an issue in which editing an ownership cluster with reference type attributes resulted in an OutOfMemory error and a system restart.

  • Fixed the UDL reference in Dynamic Code Finding Tickets, which resulted in incorrect field name being displayed.

  • Fixed an issue on the BQL for Assessment detail view on the "Closed findings" tab that resulted in incorrect filtering on the table.

  • Fixed the issue where users were unable to stop running flows or automations.

  • Fixed the platform-created 'Delete' flows so that they can delete super nodes.

  • Fixed the issue where the BQL field and Visual Query Builder didn’t work on List pages.

  • Fixed an issue where the “Risk factors” field did not display all the risk factors and clicking the ‘Show more’ button made these disappear altogether.

  • Fixed the issue where full-text index search caused visualization to fail.

  • Fixed an issue in which users were not able to select the y-axis dimension in bar charts with 2 dimensions.

  • Fixed the issue in which the style size box in reports would not properly resize visualizations.

  • Fixed the nonfunctioning ‘Show more’ button in the Actions drop-down within Automations.

  • Fixed the issue for which users were getting a 404 error on the Findings list pages.

  • Fixed the issue where creating an Analytics Source did not refresh the cache.

  • Fixed the Close button on the import DM modal, which would cause the dialog to remain open.

  • Fixed an issue where List views did not display all records but the count was correct for the records the table should show.

  • Fixed the issue on BQL queries that used a field instead of an alias in an ORDER BY clause, which could cause improper ordering.

  • Fixed the BQL query created by selecting multiple relationships in basic search, which could cause incorrect results.

  • Fixed an issue where the value of displayName was used for all reference attribute columns when exporting a List view, which caused incorrect results.

  • Fixed the issue where group consolidation failed while acquiring a lock, which caused duplicate records.

  • Fixed the issue where basic inputs for relationships were generating the wrong BQL query, which returned incorrect results.

  • Fixed the issue where users could not add a new mapping to a UDM using transforms.

  • Fixed the issue where limited users did not see finding actions on child data model List views

  • Fixed an issue where visualizations were not displaying the correct count for DISTINCT queries.

  • Fixed an issue where the drilldown parameters were not being updated after updating report dimensions, which caused incorrect filtering.

  • Fixed an issue where sprint details were not properly loading related tickets.

  • Fixed an issue where users with the remediation owner or risk owner role could not add comments or attachments to tickets.

  • Fixed an issue where hovering over a link in the Show view and List view rerendered the graphics.

  • Fixed an issue where Informed Users were seeing broken visualizations on dashboards.

  • Fixed an issue where drilldowns on the pre-built visualizations were not working properly.

  • Fixed an issue where users with the Risk owner role were seeing an SQL exception in the Risk owner dashboard.

  • Fixed an issue where the CVE record compute flow was failing.

  • Fixed the issue where BaseModel was included in a batch delete.

  • Fixed the issue where the wrong request was executed by the UI.

  • Fixed an issue where the Alert Definition UDM did not have ACLs.

  • Fixed issues when translating count measures of a whole entity.

  • Fixed the issue where the Data Warehouse snapshot flow was marked successful despite many errors.

  • Set decimal places to 0 for some number attributes in data models.

  • Optimized Finding Definition Type calculations.

  • Fixed translation issues when using aggregation functions on date attributes.

  • Fixed translation issues when using transformations on analytics queries dimensions.

  • Fixed the translation from ageIn functions to SQL that caused an issue with the database.

  • Reviewed and fixed issues with the SQL translation of CaseFields.

Known issues

  • Found typos in riskAcceptanceRequestLibrary and requestLibrary.

  • Risk score and risk rating may change after the findings are closed.

  • List views may not load for limited user but they can see detail views.

  • When a Brinqa instance is pushing tickets from different sources, the sync will cause all to appear only as Jira.