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11.29.138 Platform Release

Released January 20, 2025

This release is a patch update for the 11.29.19 platform release.


If you are using the NIST NVD connector, Brinqa recommends switching to Brinqa Risk Intelligence, as the NIST NVD connector is no longer supported in Brinqa Platform version 11.28.x or later.

New features and enhancements

  • We have added support to enable pasting a list of values in multi-value fields. For example, when using the Visual Query Builder (VQB), if you need to filter for multiple CVE IDs, you can input them all at once instead of adding them individually.

    VQB multi-value pasting screenshot for release notes

  • We improved performance by updating the index type to TEXT for single-choice attributes.

  • We added support in Data Warehouse for BQL queries using NOT in a relationship.

  • We upgraded our security packages to remediate several vulnerabilities.

  • We updated the Data Exporter role to only have access to the exports that they created. Previously, the Data Exporter role was able to see exports that were requested from other users, but they could not download them.

  • We added support in Data Warehouse for using the OR operator with the IsCurrentUser conditions, each with piped attributes.

  • We updated category attributes to not require Calculation as a mandatory field.

  • We added a task to check consistency at startup and log the results. This will ensure that relationships are properly created.

Addressed issues

  • Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Download’ column on the exports page to fail to increment when a file was downloaded. This now updates as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the enter key on the download modal to fail to submit when a user initiated an export from the list page. The enter key should now initiate the download on the export modal from the list view.

  • Fixed an issue that caused an HTTP 404 error when a user deleted an export though the file was successfully removed. This no longer throws the error when a delete is requested.

  • Fixed an issue that caused visual query builder (VQB) filters that select more than one data model to only show attributes from a single data model. VQB queries with multiple data models now display attributes from the selected data models.

  • Fixed an issue that caused statuses on the export page to show incorrectly. These should now update appropriately.

  • Fixed an issue that caused exports to time out before completion under specific conditions. Exports will now complete as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused exports to fail when those contained a ‘state’ attribute. This will now export as expected.

  • Fixed the Enter button on the export dialog to generate the export when a user pressed the enter key. This will now initiate the export as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused exports to hang when the data warehouse is enabled. Exports will now complete as expected when data warehouse is enabled.

  • Fixed an issue with data model filters that caused the incorrect values to display. These filters will now populate values correctly.

  • Fixed an issue that caused misalignments on the Export details page. These page elements are now aligned correctly.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the ‘set color by data point’ to be enabled in chart editing when this is set to disabled. This will now remain disabled when set to disabled.

  • Fixed the issue that adding a column to any List view reset the column width for all columns to some small unusable value.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the remediation or risk owner attributes column to export as blank. This will now populate as expected in exports.

  • Fixed an issue with the ‘Link to Explorer page’ option when configuring drill-downs that caused the parameters to fail to load. These will now load as expected.

  • Fixed the issue that drill-down parameters were not updated after adding or removing dimensions. These are now adding or removing as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the platform to restart when creating a data warehouse snapshot. This will now create snapshots without causing issues with the platform.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the exports to fail to sort by date request. This will now sort exports by request date (descending) on the exports List view.

  • Fixed the multi-select component for drop-downs.

  • Fixed the issue that sorting by columns on List views after searching with BQL would modify the query and return no results.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the title to misalign on the download export page. This will now be aligned as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the title to misalign on the export deletion modal. This is now aligned as expected.

  • Fixed the issue that email notifications were not sent when Exports failed.

  • Fixed the issue that using a IsCurrentUserMemberOfClusterCondition on a DELETE or UPDATE ACL would break the associated List views.

  • Fixed an issue during risk factors creation that caused the name to be empty when an icon was not selected. This will now populate the risk factor name as expected.

  • Fixed the issue that adding a column to a LIST view would break any custom rendering until you clear the browser cache.

  • Restored the ID indexes for parent data models.

  • Fixed the label overlapping issue on Line graphs.

  • Fixed the misalignment in Angular gauge charts.

  • Fixed the issue that the dashboard side menu would not open after navigating to another page.

  • Fixed the HTTP 500 Error: "it is not possible to access variables declared before the WITH/RETURN."

  • Fixed data integration to allow updates when using the CSV connector.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed limited users to see exports from other users but unable to download these. Limited users are now unable to view exports they do not have permissions to as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the risk factor version field no longer visible on clone or edit. The version field will now show as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the source information not to display when hovering or clicking the Sources column. The Detail view will display source information when hovering or clicking the Sources column as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused a failure when exporting content from a BQL query referencing relationship. These will now export as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the indicators not to load. These will now load as expected.

  • Fixed the error when exporting all attributes in a BQL query having a NOT relationship would fail and throw an error. These will now export as expected.

  • Corrected a typo in the Production deployment cluster.

  • Updated the export confirmation dialog so that long titles and descriptions display properly

  • Fixed an issue that caused exports to fail when initiated from a Detail view. These will now export as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused charts to overlap and usability issues. These are now sized correctly.

  • Fixed an issue that caused counts in fields on added columns to calculate incorrectly. These will now populate as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused fields with one-to-one or one-to-many relationships to cause export failures. These will now export as expected.

  • Fixed an issue that caused added attributes in exports to fail to appear. These will now appear as expected.

  • Fixed the issue where manually adding a related attribute column to a list page resulted in the column being empty during export.

  • Fixed the basic filters in list views to use the correct ‘Display attribute’ in the resulting BQL when querying for relationships.

  • Fixed the Order column on the data model Categories page to remove the extra values.

  • Capitalized the word ‘columns' in the 'Create dataset export’ flow action.

  • Fixed the issue that using the "Select All" option on a list view and then export didn’t export all the records.

  • Fixed the situation that sometimes the list page count and the exported row count do not match.

  • Fixed the issue that clicking Cancel in the Export modal performed the export instead.

  • Fixed the column sorting issue on the List views.