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11.18.19 Platform Release

Released January 25, 2024

New features and enhancements

New Brinqa Administrator dashboard

We are excited to announce the availability of the Brinqa Administrator dashboard. This provides multiple visualizations that allow administrators to monitor the performance of their environment, identify emerging issues, and address them promptly.

Brinqa Administrator Dashboard Operations Panel

More operators available in Brinqa Conditional Language (BCL)

Added the ability to use >, <, = operators in one-to-many relationships in BCL. This allows users to create more involved datasets across multiple sub-datasets.

Security updates

  • Improved security on artifacts.


    In the 11.17.16 platform release, more security constraints have been added to block custom code (calculation scripts, flow scripts, and UDLs) that have the potential to break previously working deployments. If upgrading from any version prior to 11.17.16, please contact the Brinqa team to conduct a thorough code scan. This scan will help identify the presence of any such code and assess if any remediations are needed.

Addressed issues

  • Fixed the issue in which ticket creation failed when calculating two datasets for SLA.

  • Fixed the issue in which filtering StaticCodeFinding objects by severity caused an HTTP 400 error.

  • Fixed the issue in which the percentage measure's filter collided with the drill-down filters.

  • Fixed the issue where backend calls to the /bql endpoint for List views returned an HTTP 500 error.

  • Fixed the issue in which section filters in reports were not passing through drill-downs.

  • Fixed the issue in which filtering a List view by attributes two levels away disabled the Basic filter.

  • Fixed the issue in which data mappings got lost without warning when Jira schema attributes no longer exist after updating the data source.

  • Fixed the inconsistency between the Data Integration list page and configuration page.

  • Fixed the issue where adding a column of reference attribute in a List view returned an HTTP 500 error.

  • Fixed the issue in which 'No SLA' showed up as '***Removed***' in CSV exports.

  • Fixed the issue in which report charts with Date as dimension could not be sorted.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed bypassing the Brinqa login page when SAML is configured.

  • Fixed the pagination issue in the Host model's categories List view.

  • Applied ACL to Basic filters on List views.

  • Fixed the issue where exports failed when the BQL Query contains the OR operator.

  • Fixed the issue in which users could not add new attributes to new data models.

  • Fixed the typo on the Manage SLA definitions page.

  • Fixed the issue in which a search using some special characters on the User defined libraries (UDL) list page did not return results.

  • Improved the error message for ‘Unknown failure’ in orchestration to help troubleshooting.

  • Fixed the issue in which users could not add attribute mappings on Consolidation pages.

  • Fixed the issue in which users could not update consolidation on new data models.

  • Fixed slow query logging.

Known issues

  • Visualizations with 'Indicator' as the source type cannot be added to reports or List views.

  • Cloned risk factors have the Managed by attribute showing the value of 'System' instead of 'User'.

  • The 'OR' operator isn't working properly in BCL for clusters.

  • In a List view, the left arrow encounters an error and becomes unclickable when user arrowed over to the right.

  • The container's Auto height option doesn't respect height/number of visualizations within the container.

  • Orchestration shows as Failed due to timeout but continues to run.

  • Risk owner fails to properly set relationships.