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11.21.33 Platform Release

Released April 9, 2024

Security updates

  • Updated the login page to better handle single sign-on and multi-factor authentication workflows.

New features and enhancements

  • We are excited to announce Remediation Campaigns. This feature empowers you to create collections of related tickets and track their remediation against a due date or open goals. It helps align the Brinqa Platform with risk operations as seen in risk programs.

  • Implemented the percentage measure for Analytics Source.

  • Add support for case-insensitive consolidation on identifiers.

Data model changes

  • Added the following new data models: API Endpoint, Incident, Incident Definition, Incident Ticket, and Remediation Campaign.

  • A new attribute, scannedForVulnerabilities, was added to data models that extend from Asset.

  • A new attribute, hasInactiveMembers, was added to the ownership data models, including Informed User, Remediation Owner, and Risk Owner.

  • A new attribute, remediationCampaigns, was added to data models that extend from Ticket.

Addressed issues

  • Fixed an issue in reports where charts with a Date attribute as a dimension could not be sorted.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from deleting a related tab from the Detail view.

  • Fixed the ‘attribute not found exception’ on the Clusters page when using filters.

  • Fixed an issue in which users were unable to delete an identifier.

  • Fixed a JSON parser error when updating access control.

  • Fixed the Cancel button behavior in editing the Risk Scoring Model.

  • Fixed an error when creating a ‘Risk acceptance request’ in bulk actions.

  • Fixed an issue where the OR operator didn’t work properly in cluster conditions.

  • Fixed an issue where the BCL query of = false OR = false is valid but returned an error during cluster testing.

  • Separated the login page from MFA code verification.

  • Fixed the logic for returning reference attributes on ComputeDataSet objects.

  • Fixed link rendering for the ‘Link to table's source data model’ option.

  • Fixed the problems with the processFindingComplianceStatus() and determineDaysToFix() methods in the FindingLibrary.

  • Fixed the percentage aggregation in Analytic Source charts.

  • Fixed the Manage Flows page to address multiple issues.

  • Fixed the SQL Error encountered when Parquet files change.

  • Fixed the issue that adding a section with Analytics source as data source would send the section to the background.

Known issues

  • Inputs are not applied to Analytics Source charts consistently.

  • Date transformations don't render correctly when creating reports.

  • Data Integrations may be stuck in ‘Running’ state instead of retrying after an OperationTimeoutException.

  • List view drill-down on visualization of an indicator does not use the correct BQL.

  • The Bar chart list view drill-down generates incorrect list view BQL.

  • Calculations may be updating inconsistently.

  • Adding filters in the Finding list view throws an error about the use of WITH/RETURN.

  • Editing an ownership cluster with reference type attributes results in an OutOfMemoryError and causes a restart.

  • Trying to edit Asset records that have been edited previously causes an Internal Server Error.

  • The calculated attributes in Dynamic Code Finding Ticket are referencing the incorrect UDL.