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11.0.5 Platform Release

Released February 24, 2023

New features and enhancements

  • You can now create exception requests for findings in the Brinqa Platform. To create a request, select one or more findings and use the “Create a request” action. You can find these exceptions under Remediation > Requests. Designated owners can review their content to accept or reject the exceptions.

  • Attributes of references can now be used as filter criteria in table views so you can filter your data in more useful ways. For example, Findings can now be filtered by the referenced CVE’s ID.

  • The AgentId field is now available in system logs.

Changes to behavior and appearance

  • Standardized styles for the Data Model tables and Explorer view.

  • Datetime values are now properly rendered in a human-readable format.

  • Refreshed the look and feel of Details and Show views.

  • Added subnets to the Host list view.

Addressed issues

  • Fixed an issue that caused MySQL migration from 11.0.2 to 11.0.3 to fail.

  • Fixed an issue with the "Create vulnerability ticket" action when SLA definition is not defined.

  • Fixed an issue where calculations were reported as successful when timed out.

  • Fixed an issue where GraphQL Explorer throws an HTTP 500 error.

  • Ensured that attachments can be uploaded and shown in Requests.

  • Fixed an issue where findings could sometimes appear in more than one request.

  • Fixed an issue where notifications would sometimes not be sent when a request is created.

Known issues

  • The data integration status icons sometimes fail to load text but display the underlying code instead.

    To work around this issue, clear the local storage in Chrome (Developer Tools > Application > Storage > Clear site data).

  • When editing consolidation flows or compute flows, if you modify the column width in one flow (e.g.: Role compute flow), navigate to another flow (e.g.: User compute flow), and then click Details in one of the rows, the resulting page loads the first flow, i.e. Role compute flow, not the User compute flow.

    To work around this issue, clear the local storage in Chrome (Developer Tools > Application > Storage > Clear site data). Or manually type in the correct name for the flow in the URL.