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Service Level Data Model

The Service Level data model is a built-in model to represent a range for a service level to be applied. It extends the Config model data model.

The following table details the default attributes of the Service Level data model:

Attribute NameAttribute TypeRelationship TypeRequired
activeTrue FalseN/ANo
dateCreatedDate TimeN/ANo
descriptionText AreaN/ANo
isDefaultTrue FalseN/AYes
lastUpdatedDate TimeN/ANo
managedBySingle ChoiceN/ANo
slaDefinitionReference (SLA definition)BELONGS_TONo
sourcesReference (Base model)SOURCED_FROMNo
timeUnitSingle ChoiceN/AYes
uidUnique IdentifierN/AYes
  • The attribute names are used in Brinqa Query Language (BQL) queries and Brinqa Condition Language (BCL) predicates.
  • In the Type column, Calculated means that the value of the attribute is computed by executing a script. The text in the parentheses after Calculated denotes the type of the outcome. For additional information, see Calculated attributes.
  • In the Type column, Reference means that two data models are related. The name in the parentheses after Reference indicates the other data model.
  • The Relationship Type column only applies to the Category and Reference type attributes. You can use the relationship type keyword in BQL queries.