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Installed Package Data Model

The Installed Package data model represents a computer program whose code is not managed by AppSec that is installed on an asset. It extends the Entity model data model.

The following table details the default attributes of the Installed Package data model:

Attribute NameAttribute TypeRelationship TypeRequired
baseRiskScoreCalculated (Number)N/ANo
categoriesText (Multivalued)N/ANo
complianceStatusCalculated (Single Choice)N/ANo
connectorCategoriesText (Multivalued)N/ANo
connectorNamesText (Multivalued)N/ANo
dataIntegrationTitlesText (Multivalued)N/ANo
dataModelNameCalculated (Text)N/ANo
dateCreatedDate TimeN/ANo
descriptionText AreaN/ANo
displayNameCalculated (Text)N/AYes
environmentsCategory (Environment)WITHINNo
firstSeenDate TimeN/ANo
informedUsersCategory (Informed user)INFORMED_OFNo
installedDateDate TimeN/ANo
lastEnrollmentDate TimeN/ANo
lastInventoryUpdateDate TimeN/ANo
lastSeenDate TimeN/ANo
lastUpdatedDate TimeN/ANo
lifecycleInactiveDateDate TimeN/ANo
lifecyclePurgeDateDate TimeN/ANo
lifecycleStatusSingle ChoiceN/ANo
numberOutOfComplianceCalculated (Number)N/ANo
openFindingCountCalcuated (Number)N/ANo
profilesCategory (Asset profile)ISNo
remediationOwnerCategory (Remediation owner)OWNS_REMEDIATIONNo
riskFactorOffsetCalculated (Number)N/ANo
riskFactorsRisk FactorsN/ANo
riskOwnerCategory (Risk owner)OWNS_RISKNo
riskRatingCalculated (Single Choice)N/ANo
riskScoreCalculated (Number)N/ANo
riskScoringModelRisk Scoring ModelN/ANo
sourceUidsText (Multivalued)N/ANo
sourcesReference (Source model)SOURCED_FROMNo
sourcesIconsSource data models iconsN/ANo
statusSingle ChoiceN/ANo
tagsText (Multivalued)N/ANo
targets Reference (Asset)INSTALLED_ONNo
technologiesCategory (Asset technology)ISNo
type Reference (Package)ISNo
  • The attribute names are used in Brinqa Query Language (BQL) queries and Brinqa Condition Language (BCL) predicates.
  • In the Type column, Calculated means that the value of the attribute is computed by executing a script. The text in the parentheses after Calculated denotes the type of the outcome. For additional information, see Calculated attributes.
  • In the Type column, Reference means that two data models are related. The name in the parentheses after Reference indicates the other data model.
  • The Relationship Type column only applies to the Category and Reference type attributes. You can use the relationship type keyword in BQL queries.